You acknowledge and agree that Creator (or, as applicable, its licensors) owns all legal right,
title and interest in and to the Art, and all intellectual property rights therein. The rights that
you have in and to the Art are limited to those described in this License.
Creator reserves all rights in and to the Art not expressly granted to you in this License. 

You Own the NFT. Each Dicecream is an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain. When you purchase an NFT,
you own the underlying Dicecream, the Art, completely.
Ownership of the NFT is mediated entirely by the Smart Contract and the
Ethereum Network: at no point may we seize, freeze, or otherwise modify the ownership of any Dicecream.


Subject to your continued compliance with the terms of this License,Dicecream Creator (Evan Mykoniatis)
grands you a worldwide non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use, copy, and display
the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT, along with any Extensions that you choose to create or use,
solely for the following purposes:
(i) for your own personal, non-commercial use;
(ii) as part of a marketplace that permits the purchase and sale of your Dicecream / NFT,
provided that the marketplace cryptographically verifies each Bored Ape owner’s rights to display
the Art for their Dicecream / NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art;
(iii) as part of a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement,
or participation of your Dicecream / NFT, provided that the website/application cryptographically
verifies each Dicecream / NFT owner’s rights to display the Art for their Dicecream / NFT to ensure
that only the actual owner can display the Art, and provided that the Art is no longer visible
once the owner of the Dicecream / NFT leaves the website/application.


Subject to your continued compliance with the terms of this License, Dicecream Creator grants you a unlimited,
worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use, copy, and display the Art for
your purchased Dicecream / NFT for the purpose of commercializing your own merchandise that includes, contains,
or consists of the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT (“Commercial Use”), provided that such Commercial Use
does not result in you earning more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) in gross revenue each year.
For the sake of clarity, nothing in this Section will be deemed to restrict you from
(i) owning or operating a marketplace that permits the use and sale of NFTs generally, provided that the marketplace
cryptographically verifies each NFT owner’s rights to display the Art for their purchased Dicecream / NFT to ensure
that only the actual owner can display the Art;
(ii) owning or operating a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement, or participation
of NFTs generally, provided that the third party website or application cryptographically verifies each NFT owner’s rights
to display the Art for their purchased Dicecream / NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art,
and provided that the Art is no longer visible once the owner of the purchased Dicecream / NFT leaves
the website/application; or
(iii) earning revenue from any of the foregoing, even where such revenue is in excess of $100,000 per year.


You agree that you may not, nor permit any third party to do or attempt to do
any of the foregoing without Dicecream Creator’s express prior written consent
in each case:
(i) modify the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT in any way, including,
without limitation, the shapes, designs, drawings, attributes, or color schemes
(your use of Extensions will not constitute a prohibited modification hereunder);
(ii) use the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT to advertise, market, or sell
any third party product or service;
(iii) use the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT in connection with images,
videos, or other forms of media that depict hatred, intolerance, violence, cruelty,
as also as any religious, political and sexual content or anything else that could reasonably
be found to constitute hate speech or otherwise infringe upon the rights of others;
(iv) use the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT in movies, videos,
or any other forms of media, except to the limited extent that
such use is expressly permitted in Section 3 (Commercial Use)
above or solely for your own personal, non-commercial use;
(v) sell, distribute for commercial gain
(including, without limitation, giving away in the hopes of eventual commercial gain),
or otherwise commercialize merchandise that includes, contains,
or consists of the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT, except as expressly permitted
in Section 3 (Commercial Use) above;
(vi) attempt to trademark, copyright, or otherwise acquire additional
intellectual property rights in or to the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT; or
(vii) otherwise utilize the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT for your or any
third party’s commercial benefit.These restrictions also applied to the public,
not only the Dicecream / NFT owners.


The public are allowed to create fan art out of this project (Dicecream),
as long as the usage and content (of the fan art) follows expressly
the permissions in Section 3 (Commercial Use) and the restrictions in
Section 4 (Restrictions) of this license.


 You acknowledge and agree that Creator (or, as applicable, its licensors) owns all legal right,
title and interest in and to the Art, and all intellectual property rights therein. The rights that
you have in and to the Art are limited to those described in this License.
Creator reserves all rights in and to the Art not expressly granted to you in this License. 

You Own the NFT. Each Dicecream is an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain. When you purchase an NFT,
you own the underlying Dicecream, the Art, completely.
Ownership of the NFT is mediated entirely by the Smart Contract and the
Ethereum Network: at no point may we seize, freeze, or otherwise modify the ownership of any Dicecream.


Subject to your continued compliance with the terms of this License,Dicecream Creator (Evan Mykoniatis)
grands you a worldwide non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use, copy, and display
the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT, along with any Extensions that you choose to create or use,
solely for the following purposes:
(i) for your own personal, non-commercial use;
(ii) as part of a marketplace that permits the purchase and sale of your Dicecream / NFT,
provided that the marketplace cryptographically verifies each Bored Ape owner’s rights to display
the Art for their Dicecream / NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art;
(iii) as part of a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement,
or participation of your Dicecream / NFT, provided that the website/application cryptographically
verifies each Dicecream / NFT owner’s rights to display the Art for their Dicecream / NFT to ensure
that only the actual owner can display the Art, and provided that the Art is no longer visible
once the owner of the Dicecream / NFT leaves the website/application.


Subject to your continued compliance with the terms of this License, Dicecream Creator grants you a unlimited,
worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use, copy, and display the Art for
your purchased Dicecream / NFT for the purpose of commercializing your own merchandise that includes, contains,
or consists of the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT (“Commercial Use”), provided that such Commercial Use
does not result in you earning more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) in gross revenue each year.
For the sake of clarity, nothing in this Section will be deemed to restrict you from
(i) owning or operating a marketplace that permits the use and sale of NFTs generally, provided that the marketplace
cryptographically verifies each NFT owner’s rights to display the Art for their purchased Dicecream / NFT to ensure
that only the actual owner can display the Art;
(ii) owning or operating a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement, or participation
of NFTs generally, provided that the third party website or application cryptographically verifies each NFT owner’s rights
to display the Art for their purchased Dicecream / NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art,
and provided that the Art is no longer visible once the owner of the purchased Dicecream / NFT leaves
the website/application; or
(iii) earning revenue from any of the foregoing, even where such revenue is in excess of $100,000 per year.


You agree that you may not, nor permit any third party to do or attempt to do
any of the foregoing without Dicecream Creator’s express prior written consent
in each case:
(i) modify the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT in any way, including,
without limitation, the shapes, designs, drawings, attributes, or color schemes
(your use of Extensions will not constitute a prohibited modification hereunder);
(ii) use the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT to advertise, market, or sell
any third party product or service;
(iii) use the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT in connection with images,
videos, or other forms of media that depict hatred, intolerance, violence, cruelty,
as also as any religious, political and sexual content or anything else that could reasonably
be found to constitute hate speech or otherwise infringe upon the rights of others;
(iv) use the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT in movies, videos,
or any other forms of media, except to the limited extent that
such use is expressly permitted in Section 3 (Commercial Use)
above or solely for your own personal, non-commercial use;
(v) sell, distribute for commercial gain
(including, without limitation, giving away in the hopes of eventual commercial gain),
or otherwise commercialize merchandise that includes, contains,
or consists of the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT, except as expressly permitted
in Section 3 (Commercial Use) above;
(vi) attempt to trademark, copyright, or otherwise acquire additional
intellectual property rights in or to the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT; or
(vii) otherwise utilize the Art for your purchased Dicecream / NFT for your or any
third party’s commercial benefit.These restrictions also applied to the public,
not only the Dicecream / NFT owners.


The public are allowed to create fan art out of this project (Dicecream),
as long as the usage and content (of the fan art) follows expressly
the permissions in Section 3 (Commercial Use) and the restrictions in
Section 4 (Restrictions) of this license.

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